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Live Course with Sue Ricks: Foot and Hand Reading (Adults and Children) June 2024

You can find session 1 of this course in the related items at the bottom of this page, along with two supporting items (Please ensure you have logged in/registered to access this course)

This Live Course will take place Live on:

Wednesday 5th June 2024 at 4pm (UK, London time)

Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 4pm (UK, London time)

Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 4pm (UK, London time)

Wednesday 26th June 2024 at 4pm (UK, London time)

Please note: Each session will run for approximately 1 hour.

What will you learn?

Reading the hands or feet of infants is similar to reading adults.

What we need to remember is that the life of a child is ever-changing in the same way that life changes for adults

The marvellous thing about foot and hand reading in children is that you read what you see, notice or feel.

This is exactly how it is for adults too because each person (irrelevant of age) expresses their life via their hands and feet in exactly the same way as it is with infants.

Help that can be provided by looking at the signs provided by foot and hand reading include:-

  • Knowing which ways work best for each individual child. 
  • Understanding when life is too challenging and when they are struggling
  • Appreciating if a child is feeling hurt or angry and therefore be able to be more understanding or provide support. 
  • Seeing if a child is happy or hiding unexpressed emotion. 
  • Ability to understand more of a child's behaviour. 
  • Knowing when to interact with a child or when to give them space 
  • Appreciating their strengths
  • Appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of everyone.

We can know so much about how children are coping or not coping with life through noticing signs and indications.

Understand what everyday actions, habits and indications can mean including:-

  • Scrunched up hands
  • Red feet or hands
  • Biting or picking at nails
  • Scratching 
  • Curled toes
  • Cuts and bruises of hands/feet

I hope you will be looking forward to this in-depth nose dive into foot and hand reading.

Lots of Love, Sue x

About the Course Live Sessions:

Each Live session will run for approximately 1 hour.

Each session will be recorded and available for you to watch back on the Sue Ricks Academy. The recordings will be available within 24 hours of the session going live.

Each session will be run via Zoom and hosted by me, Sue Ricks.

Certificate of Attendance:

All attendees who join the sessions Live or those who watch back the recordings, if they cannot join us live, will be able to request a Certificate of Attendance. We ask that you keep a note of the session that you attended live/watched back the recordings and send those to us by sending an email to 

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