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Reflexology Initial Consultation Form - Completion Information

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Online Document


Download this reflexology client consultation information. It is a detailed 12-page document full of great information.

It is ideal for practitioners and students in reflexology training courses and covers how to ask, what to put, with simple and easy instructions throughout. This is an easy to read and highly informative12 page PDF that includes incredibly useful information on what questions to ask and how to ask them. It also includes why certain questions can provide key information and general advice about the usefulness and practicalities of the Initial Consultation Sheet.

Initial Consultation Sheet as used in Gentle Touch™ Reflexology and can be used as a guide for Reflexologists and students of Reflexology. Sometimes it can feel a bit daunting when faced with a new client and not knowing how to gather the right level of information whilst maintain a good rapport with the client. The aim of this document is to give you some very practical advice to make it easier, more flowing, and enjoyable.

The time that you have with your client when you complete the initial consultation is the most important time as it sets the scene for everything that comes ahead. If you get this right the treatment that you do afterwards and any subsequence treatments are infinitely easier and more likely to gain a good result. However, if you mess it up and miss the golden time it can have a very detrimental effect on your relationship with your client and any future clients.


  • What to consider
  • Reasons for completing a form
  • How to ask the questions
  • Ways of developing and keeping a great rapport with your client
  • What certain questions can reveal
  •  Ways of asking about sensitive information
  •  Confidence boosting

Also, see the actual Initial Consultation Sheet

If you want to know more about what is involved in Reflexology and making you a professional Reflexologist this will help you to add an extra edge to your practice.

This form is practical for you whether you are training or practising in foot Reflexology, hand Reflexology, Reflexology in maternity or fertility. It’s ideal if you are training on a Reflexology course or working as a Reflexologist and conducting numerous Reflexology treatments.