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Initial Consultation Sheet - Reiki

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Download this Reiki Initial Consultation sheet to use with your Clients. For professional use only. *Restricted Use – see ‘Important Information’ below.
An initial Consultation sheet will take you through a series of questions that will help you to get an idea of what may be happening with and to your client. 

A good initial consultation is invaluable as it is the foundation of a successful practitioner/client relationship. Remember that all Client Records are of a highly sensitive nature and must be kept in secure conditions. See Confidentiality Information

The aim of a successful consultation is to:
  • Make an assessment of the type of person you are working with.
  • Gain all the necessary medical history information.
  • Establish what your client is hoping to gain from Reflexology.
  • Use the above information to decide on how or when it is best to treat the client.
  • Devise a treatment plan.
  • Have a reference document for future occasions.
  • Keep within the code of ethics for professional practice.
  • Obtain their written permission to treat.

It is Perfect for:-

  • Reiki Practitioners.
  • Students of Reiki.

Product Details

Two Pages.

Important Information

Further Information - For full training on how to make the best use of this form and how to take a full Initial Consultation, see Reiki Courses.

* You must be fully qualified and insured in Reiki before you can start any treatments. Or you must be a student with a professional training school and undertaking practice treatments as part of your course and case study work.

No responsibility can be accepted for any use, misuse or other actions relating to this Sheet.